Saturday, January 8 at Star Ballroom
Hosted by Jody Dancer
Star Ballroom Dance Party
Dancing – 8 – 10:00 PM
Ballroom/Latin Mix
Plus Ballroom Line Dances!
7:30 – Free Lesson
$15.00 per person for the Evening!
Ladies, add a dance host +$15.00
Masks Recommended
Hand sanitizers provided
Filtered water & snacks BYOW
Please reserve below for Saturday Dances Hosted by Jody Dancer
Ladies, Reservations required to share the Dance Hosts
Please Reserve by Friday
Reservations appreciated from everyone
To Reserve for Dances Hosted by Jody Dancer:
For information, Contact: Jody Dancer or
954-782-7760 (Studio) | 954-383-9667 (Cell)